Giles Kristian- Viking Series- Raven bllod eye/ Sons of Thunder/ Odins Wolves

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Book 1 Raven Blood Eye in the Viking series

For two years Osric has lived a simple life, though he is feared and shunned for his mysterious past and blood-red eye. When raiders from across the sea ransack his village, Osric finds himself taken prisoner by their chief, Sigurd the Lucky. Immersed in the Norsemen's world and driven by their lust for adventure, Osric proves a natural warrior and forges a deep bond with Sigurd, who renames him Raven. But the Norsemen's world is a savage one, where loyalty is often repaid in blood, and a young man must become a killer to survive...

Book 2 Sons of Thunder

If you betray a Fellowship you are a dead man... Raven and the Wolfpack plough the sea-road in pursuit of the Saxon traitor, Ealdred, who has left the Fellowship for dead and fled to the Frankish Emperor Charlemagne and the promise of untold riches. Sailing in search of revenge, the pagan Norsemen venture into the heart of a Christian empire that would wipe their kind from the face of the earth, a place where danger lies in wait around every bend of the great river up which they travel. A young man with no memory and a blood-tainted eye, Raven has found friendship and purpose amongst this fierce band of warriors. Having proved himself in battle, he is now certain that Viking blood flows in his veins, but to survive this adventure, his cunning must be as sharp as his blade.

Book 3 Odin's Wolves

We lusted for an even greater prize: one that can never be lost or stolen or burnt... Raven and his fellow Vikings have suffered. Good men have died. Hard-won treasure has been lost. But for these Norsemen, there is something more precious than gold or silver, and that is fame - for this is what a warrior leaves behind when he has breathed his last. And so the brotherhood sail for Constantinople, the city they call Miklagard. There, it is rumoured, both riches and glory are to be found, but the journey takes them through unknown and dangerous waters - from the wind-whipped marshes of the Camargue to the treachery and faded glory of a once-mighty Rome. For Raven and the Wolfpack there is a high price to pay for the fame they seek. Miklagard's streets may seem paved with gold, but they also run with blood . . . A brilliant, brutal new chapter in the story of Raven, this is historical fiction at its most authentic and exciting.