Stephen King- Different Seasons
Different Seasons contains four stories with an interlacing of horror that capture the dark corners of our times. In Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption, a man convicted of a bloody murder lives in prison brutally ruled by a sadistic warden and secretly run by a con who knows all the ropes and pulls all the strings. He has more brains than anyone else in this sinister slammer, and a diabolically cunning plan of revenge that no one can guess until it's too late. And brace yourself for icy shock in three more stunning novellas of suspense. Four young boys come face to face with life, death and hints of their own mortality...A teenager becomes both the puppet and the puppet master of evil...A disgraced woman is determined to triumph over death. The greatest horror master of our time turns the screws of suspense to lock you into terrifying tension and nerve-tingling twists.